Wednesday, February 3, 2010

中國浙江人 中國國民黨員 台灣監察委員 葛永光
茶敘 捷運文湖線案 被調查的 中國國民黨主席 馬英九

What kind of person is 葛永光? Here is a short bio:



任期:2008.08.01 - 2014.07.31











Would such a person be suitable for the position of a 監察委員, who is supposed to be unbiased and fair? The following information about 監察委員 葛永光 will give you the picture of a wolf guarding a chicken coop.


葛永光:我看了他 [宋楚瑜] 的演讲以后,我印象最深刻的,第一点就是说,我们常常用的这句话就是中国情,台湾心,中国情就是说从他的演讲内容可以看得出来,他充满了中国人的情怀,而且他深深的受到中国文化的熏陶,有非常强烈的中国认同跟中国意识。这个台湾心就是说,他在台湾生长了这么长的时间,当然很关心台湾人民的福祉,很关心两岸关系。第二点我印象比较深刻的就是他的这个演讲,其实非常强烈的透露出台湾人民希望和平的这样一个讯息,希望透过两岸的和平跟和解,来共创一个均富的中国。第三点我觉得很重要的信息,就是他认为台独是走不通的,台湾意识并不等于台独意识,所以他是反台独的,基本上把台湾主流的民意也在这篇演讲里面传达了出来。
What 葛永光 has been doing is to persecute Taiwanese and to protect Chinese elites such as Ma Ying-Jeou. What follow are some well-known cases.

The first story nicely demonstrates 葛永光's practice of protecting KMT and persecute Taiwanese. It further disqualifies him as a scholar because of his use of double standards.

2007-01-19: The KMT displayed its priorities on the last day of the legislative session by a last minute revamping of the agenda that gave top listing to its version of a draft Central Election Commission organic law and listed the NT$1.6 trillion central government budget 28th...

Why this obsession over even the central government budget? Can you imagine such a legislature if DDP had had a majority in the legislative seats?

The KMT's version would effectively transfer the power to appoint the CEC from the president to the legislative majority or, in other words, into the hands of the KMT and its conservative allies.

Ger Yeong-kuang (葛永光), professor of political science at National Taiwan University, condemned DPP lawmakers for failing to obey the rules of a democracy.

"There is no way in a democracy that people should come to blows over disagreements. [What happened on the floor on Friday] was a joke. It's hard to believe that some DPP lawmakers even secured the chamber's doors to keep the speaker off the floor," Ger said.

What did Professor 葛永光 think of KMT's proposal?

In the next story, 葛永光 rejected 「以臺灣名義加入聯合國」while approving KMT’s impossible 「返聯公投」. From whom did 葛永光 get the power to decide whether Taiwanese can have 公投? Such outrage underlies the fact that KMT has never allowed its people proper referendum rights.

2007-08-28: 行政院公審會通過國民黨提出的「 重返聯合國」公投案.
While entering UN as a new nation can take time and effort, it can be done; 重返 UN (i.e., as ROC after having been expelled by UN) is impossible as this challenges PRC’s representation of China. KMT's proposal is unrealistic and idiotic with a clear intent to deceive Taiwanese. 「返聯公投」is analogous to voting on whether black is white or a dear is a horse. How can we Taiwanese tolerate such an absurd and deceitful 公投? 公審會 must be held accountable for approving such a 公投 that anyone with an ounce of intelligence or conscience will be ashamed of. I suggest a public hearing for these 公審會 scholars: 馬傑明、張瓊玲、詹中原、葛永光、朱新民、周育仁、薛香川、廖風德、黃國鐘、胡祖慶、楊泰順、高永光, in a TV show. This gives these scholars an opportunity to explain themselves and the public an opportunity to ask questions. Of course, during such public hearing, we should also bring up another obvious question: Why did these scholars reject the sensible and do-able「以臺灣名義加入聯合國」while approving KMT’s impossible 「返聯公投」? Real scholars will do exactly the opposite.

葛永光 stated: The defunct 貓纜安全無虞 against all known facts. Here 葛永光 is practicing an element of 中国文化 he is so proud of: 指鹿為馬.

2009-10-25: 監委杜善良, 葛永光: 馬英九決策正確 貓纜安全無虞

The latest 葛永光 episode is the most potent and will establish 葛永光's notoriety in human history.


監委調查捷運文湖線案約詢馬英九,之前敲鑼打鼓,讓余艾苔以為監察院忽然硬起來,要打老虎了。不過,昨天監委以茶敘為名,到總統府與馬談過後,竟在記者會 大力讚馬「用功、有準備,態度誠懇」,監委葛永光甚至以「透明坦白、互相尊重、擱置爭議、求同存異」形容這場「會面」,大拍馬屁,令人昏倒!




中時電子報 - ‎5小時之前‎
為了調查捷運文湖線案,監委葛永光、趙榮耀、陳永祥、洪昭男4人3日上午入府與馬總統茶敘,包括總統府秘書長廖了以、副秘書長賴峰偉和高朗、總統府發言人王郁琦等人也都參加了這場茶敘,會後監委與王郁琦都轉述了茶敘內容。 談到文湖線為何採取中運量而不是高運量,馬總統 ...

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