Sunday, January 31, 2010

How 中國時報 dumb down readers
林德瑞選嘉義立委 王金平吳揆力挺

Why is 王金平吳揆力挺 a good thing? 吳敦義 is a notorious liar who lies incoherently and without moral scruples. 王金平 is known for loving his power more than Taiwan, his spine or dignity. 林德瑞 should be ashamed to be associated with such characters.

What is most objectionable about this 中國時報 report is that, as a propaganda trying to promote 中國國民黨候選人林德瑞 while disguised as a news report, it did not tell us why 林德瑞 would be a good congressman. Let me elaborate by commenting on the report, piece by piece, with my comments indented and in-place.

林德瑞選嘉義立委 王金平吳揆力挺

  • 2010-01-31
  • 中國時報
  • 【中廣新聞/龐清廉】


王金平對於中央黨部大動作進行人力改造,提升選舉戰力等作為表示肯定,並認為有專業人才加入,國民黨的未來值得期待。 Is 中國國民黨's problem that of human resources? No, 中國國民黨's problem is that it is evil. Does improving human resource management make 林德瑞 a good congressman?


As an aside, how many thousands is 數千? Are you sure it is even more than one thousand?


How about Ma Ying-Jeou. Ma is a 法學博士. Is he a good president?


Is 林德瑞 a good man after being praised by the morally corrupted 吳敦義?


Repeating this nonsense twice does not make it any more convincing. The most efficient human resource management cannot make the evil 中國國民黨 behave ethically.


This little writing about 陳明文 was intended to make the report appeared balanced. Paradoxically, this is the only readable part of the report. The report gave us no idea why 林德瑞 should be a congressman. But it did tell us why 陳明文 should be: 發揮監督制衡中國國民黨力量,開發大埔美精密機械園區,打造嘉義縣科技產業.

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